Christian Apostolic Church - Clarksburg, WV

Cool Links to Share

Ready To Be Free |

  •  Free  Bible Studies - Bible Lessons - Bible Study

  •  Free  streaming video of real-life testimonies about God

  •  Free  Church Search tool for UPCI churches

Summary of the site's resources:

Are you seeking real salvation? Help for your marriage? Power over addiction? Freedom from sin? We’re here to help. Free streaming video on how you can find real freedom in Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Ghost. God will change your life!


United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI) |

  • Official website of our international church organization

  •  Free  Church Search tool for UPCI churches

Summary of the site's resources:

Doctrine | Churches | Endorsed Organizations | About Us | Calendar of International, National, Regional, District, and Local UPCI Events | UPCI Officials | Documents and Forms, and much more... | This is the official website for the United Pentecostal Church International. The site provides a myriad of online resources, and access to many, many more.


Apostolic Man Online |

  • Official website for the Men's Ministry of the UPCI

  • Very active online Discussion Forum

  •  Free  Newsletter / eZine (by subscription only)

Summary of the site's resources:

AM Online Discussion Forum | AM Portal - Site News and Digest | AM Worldview - Live Headlines and Member's Resources | AM Media - File Downloads and Streaming Media | Men's Ministry Information and Resources | Calendar of Regional, District, and Local Men's Ministry Events | Men's Ministry Officials | Documents and Forms, and much more... | This is the official website for the Men's Ministry of the United Pentecostal Church International. The site provides a myriad of online resources, and access to many, many more.


West Virginia District UPCI |

  • Official website of the WV District of the UPCI

  • Online Discussion Forum

  •  Free  Church Search tool for WV/UPCI churches

  •  Free  Newsletter / eZine (by subscription only)

Summary of the site's resources:

Departmental Information and Resources | Online Discussion Forum | Calendar of District and Local Events | District Officials | Documents and Forms, and much more... | This is the official website for the West Virginia District of the United Pentecostal Church International. The site provides a myriad of online resources, and access to many, many more.


More later...

For Webmasters

If you have a site of general interest to Apostolic believers, and you would like to exchange links with us, please contact our webmaster.

Contact Pastor Joseph at for prayer or free, in-home Bible study.

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