Christian Apostolic Church - Clarksburg, WV

Stay Awake On Sunday.

Real people just like you have stopped searching for an exciting church. Now they enjoy one every Sunday morning at 10.

Come meet God over and over at CAC.

WOW, WHAT A WAKEUP! (click here)

Concerned citizens:
Contact (via email or letter) your elected officials in Washington, DC!

Concerned citizens:
Click to access/submit names of servicemen/women for prayer

CAC has partnered with the Traditional Values Coalition and Capitol Advantage to make it easy to write to your Senators and District Representative in Washington, DC.

CAC has partnered with area businesses and community leaders to make it easy for you to pray for the deployed troops by name. You may also add the name of your deployed family members.

Welcome to our web. Thank you for expressing interest in Christian Apostolic Church, where families grow together in Jesus Christ. We follow God in power, excitement, and holiness. We would love to meet you. Please call, click, or come by. Our worship services are characterized by the move of God’s Holy Spirit, marked with the anointed preaching of His Holy Word, and always include wonderful fellowship with a broad family of believers excited about sharing the gospel with all of Clarksburg-Bridgeport, WV.

Our Mission

About Us

"About Us" Sub-Index: History of CAC | History of the UPCI | Doctrinal Views of the UPCI | Articles of Faith of CAC

"Articles of Faith" Sub- Index: The Holy Scriptures | One True God | The Son of God | The Name of God
Repentance and Conversion | Water Baptism | The Baptism of the Holy Spirit | Fundamental Doctrine

A Place for You

Click each thumbnail for a closer look...

Brother Tom Morris prepares to baptize his oldest daughter, Anastasia. She had already received the Holy Ghost. Anastasia is buried with Christ in baptism. Pastor Joseph is holding a microphone for Brother Morris. Church and family members join Anastasia in rejoicing. All her sins have been washed away!
[ To see more great real life stories, visit our sister site: ]

If you are serious about serving God according to the dictates of His inspired, infallible Word, and you are looking for a Pentecostal, Apostolic church where the power of God is evident and the truth of Gods word is the final authority, then CAC is the place for you. If you want to find your place in the kingdom of God, and you desire to serve people with the special gifts with which God has blessed you, then CAC is the place for you to belong and become all that God wants you to be.

CAC members come from all walks of life, including professionals like engineers, business owners and managers, as well as hardworking common folks. We all have one thing in common: We need God. We all came to the same conclusions: No amount of money or worldly possessions can bring real, lasting happiness. And we all needed deliverance from sin by being born again of the water and Spirit, according to Gods word (John 3:3-5, Acts 2:1-4, Acts 2:36-39, and many other verses). Thus we all share the same experience of initiation into Gods community: Faith and obedience resulting in our sincere repentance, our water baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the receiving (infilling) of the Holy Spirit, with the initial, physical evidence of speaking in a language other than our mother tongue, as the Spirit of God gives the utterance. Following that foundational experience, each CAC member pursues after peace, holiness, the fruit of the Spirit, and the gifts of the Spirit, seeking to become a stalwart disciple of Jesus Christ.

You can join us in this miracle of new birth, not by signing a card, but rather by being born into the Lords Church by responding in faith to the gospel of Jesus Christ. In short, the gospel (I Corinthians 15:1-4) is that:

  1. Jesus died for all (as a substitution for our punishment, paying the price for our sin);
  2. He was buried (signifying the death was not feigned but real, and the purchase complete);
  3. He was resurrected on the third day (signifying victory over death, hell, and the grave, not for Himself only, but also for all who follow Him in faith).

In our reply of obedient faith:

  1. By faith we respond to His death by repenting (through repentance our old, sinful lifestyle dies) (see Acts 2:38, Matthew 4:17 and 9:13, Mark 1:15, 2:17, and 6:12, Luke 5:32, 13:3-5, 15:7, and 24:47);
  2. By faith we respond to His burial by being water baptized in Jesus name (see Acts 2:38, Acts 4:12, and Acts chapters 8, 10, 19 & 22, as well as Colossians 2:12, Ephesians 4:5, and I Peter 3:21). We become identified with Jesus Christ by taking His name upon us. “We are buried with by baptism” (Romans 6:4).
  3. By faith we respond to His resurrection by receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost (see Acts 2:1-4, Acts 2:36-39, and Acts chapters 8, 10, & 19). Just as Christ received power to live anew, so also we are endued with power to live a “new life” (a life of purity and spiritual power) after we are filled with the Holy Spirit. “Ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you” (Acts 1:8). “...Like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:4).

Life magazine has noted that the Pentecostal phenomenon of receiving the Holy Ghost and speaking with tongues is one of the most significant events of the last hundred years. Millions upon millions of people worldwide have now been born again according to God’s Word.  Have you? The promise of real freedom awaits those who are ready to be free:

“For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call” (Acts 2:39). 

Read more about being born again according to God’s Word...

Contact Information

We would love to meet you! Please call, click, or come by:

Telephone   (304) 624-4459
Location   Were located in Clarksburg, WV, on N. 20th St. @ Arlington. Click here for a map showing how to find us.
Postal address   334 Glen Falls Rd, Suite 100, Clarksburg, WV 26301
Electronic mail  
Click here for a complete list of electronic mail addresses for all departments and ministries.